
Boosting collagen with LED facial light treatment at Embody

Do you like the idea of improving your skin condition? Not ready for injections or even surgery? Check out this blog where I talk about an LED Light Therapy Facial Treatment.

If you’ve been following me for sometime now, you will be well aware that I have a real passion for pretty much anything to do with makeup and skincare. On top of that I’m also a big believer that in order to have that flawless long lasting make up, looking after your skin is key.

I recently turned 40 and don’t get me wrong, I am under no illusion that you can turn back the hands of time (unless you are willing to go under the knife). However, there are alternative steps you can take to improve and maintain the appearance of our skin and this treatment is definitely one of them.

The fabulous team at Embody, kindly invited me to test drive their their LED Light Therapy, which included 6 sessions, over a period of 8 weeks and here’s my full review.

What is LED Light Therapy?

When used frequently, overtime, LED lights can penetrate your skin at different depths and cause various reactions in your skin.  They absorb and stimulate the production of collagen. Leading to potential benefits like younger-looking skin, enhanced muscle repair, and diminished scarring.  They also include treating acne, regulating natural oil production, minimising redness and wrinkles. Certain wavelengths can even reduce dark spots and uneven skin tone.

How does collagen effect the signs of getting older?

If you’re of a similar age to me or older, then you’ll be aware that the older we get, the less collagen we produce.  By stimulating our collagen and keeping these levels healthy, this can give us a glowing complexion, firm skin, texture tone and even healthy hair. 

In other words, the more collagen we generate, the better we’ll look and feel as we get older and that my little beaut’s, is what I’m all about!

My journey with Embody?

  • Leon carried out all my treatments and explained how the therapy works. 
  • We talked about my skin aspirations, mine were even skin tone and if a reduction of spot scares.
  • You lie down for approx. 45-50 mins with the LED light covering your facing
  • 6 sessions costs a total of £200, which only work out at £33.33 per treatment

Picture taken prior to my 1st session (right hand side & left hand side)

The Verdict

Using this treatment alongside a good and consistent skincare routine, I started to see a difference by the 2nd treatment. After the 4th session, I saw a noticeable change with my skin texture. By my final therapy, I can confidently share my personal results:

  • Even skin tone (incl. reduction in pigmentation and dark areas)
  • Skincare routine and products working more effectively
  • Glowing and radiant skin
  • Make up application smoother resulting in a flawless finish
  • Reduction of lines around eyes, appearing smoother 
Picture taken following my 6th and final session (right hand side & left hand side)

The great news is, the LED light treatment does not damage your skin, plus the light therapy is completely safe and suitable for all skin types. 

I’ve definitely got the bug for this type of treatment and the fact I’ve seen positive results, first hand, reassures me this is an effective and non-invasive avenue.

Embody are based in Nantwich, Cheshire. If you feel that this is something your skin would benefit from, then get in touch.

Big Love Nic x